選択の刻 A Critical Choice
Audience Chamber
レア: 士官学校の様子はいかがでしたか。清廉な魂の息吹に満ちていたでしょう。
Rhea: How are you enjoying your time at the academy thus far? I hope you have found our halls brimming with the vitality of well-intentioned souls.
セテス: さて……君には士官学校の3学級のうち1つを受け持ってもらうことになる。
Seteth: Hm, I suppose it is time for you to take charge of one of our three houses of students.
I must note that I am personally against entrusting someone as lacking in trackable history as yourself with such a task, but it is as the archbishop desires.
マヌエラ: 黒鷲の学級、青獅子の学級、そして金鹿の学級。……もう見て回ったわよね?
Manuela: The Black Eagles, the Blue Lions, and the Golden Deer… All so different. I hope you’ve made it a point to get to know each of them.
ハンネマン: 新任の君から選んでくれて構わんよ。残る2つの学級を、我々がそれぞれ受け持とう。
Hanneman: Since you are new here, we have decided to allow you first pick. Manuela and I will take charge of the remaining two houses.
Beleth: (自分が受け持つのは……)(Which house will I choose…)
Choice 1: アドラステア帝国 黒鷲の学級 Adrestian Empire Black Eagles House
A house for students from the Adrestian Empire. Many are nobility, and most of them use magic.
Choice 2: ファーガス神聖王国 青獅子の学級 Holy Kingdom of Faerghus Blue Lions House
A house for students from the Kingdom of Faerghus. Most value chivalry and excel at military arts.
Choice 3: レスター諸侯同盟領 金鹿の学級 Leicester Alliance Golden Deer House
A house for students from the Leicester Alliance. As per regional tradition, many are skilled archers.
Rhea: So you have chosen the (Black Eagles, led by Edelgard/ Blue Lions, led by Dimitri/ Golden Deer, led by Claude). Correct?
Choice 1: Yes.
レア: 心は決まりましたか。彼らを真摯に導いてくれることを願います。
Rhea: Your heart has made its choice, then. All I ask is that you guide these open minds with virtue, care, and sincerity.
セテス: フォドラの未来を担う有望な若者ばかりだ。この栄誉ある職務を誇りとして……む?
Seteth: They are promising youths who bear the weight of Fódlan’s future upon their shoulders. I hope you appreciate what an honor it is so lead them.
Choice 2: No.
レア: 迷っているのですね。主の声に耳を傾け、慎重にお選びなさい。
Rhea: Are you having trouble deciding? Please, open your heart to the will of the goddess and choose carefully.
フレン: お兄様! ……あら?ごめんなさい、お話の最中でしたのね。
Flayn: Brother? Oh! I am so sincerely sorry! I did not mean to interrupt.
セテス: フレン、今は取り込み中だ。急ぎの用事か?
Seteth: I am in the middle of something, Flayn. Is it urgent?
フレン: いいえ、たいしたことではありませんわ。それよりも……そちらの方は?
Flayn: No, no, it’s nothing. More importantly… Who is this?
セテス: この者はByleth、士官学校の新任教師だ。
Seteth: This is our new professor at the academy.
フレン: まあ、士官学校の……!初めまして、Byleth先生。
Flayn: Oh my! A new addition to the Officers Academy! I am so very pleased to meet you, Professor.
I am Seteth’s little sister, Flayn. I am so happy to make your acquaintance.
セテス: フレンの話はさておき、本題に戻ろう。予め伝えておくが……。
Seteth: Let us focus on the topic at hand. There is something you should be aware of.
In a few days’ time, there will be a mock battle between the three houses, intended to gauge the current progress of the students.
We will be using this battle as an opportunity to ascertain your own abilities as well. Please do not disappoint the archbishop. That is all.